One of the typical snacks of Solo is a pancake called “Serabi”. It was very tasty, which typically comes from coconut milk. Some are sold with chocolate sprinkles on the given point on the top.
Besides chocolate sprinkles, the development pancake often been modified with various additives to add various flavors of pancake itself, such as jackfruit, banana, etc. But the modification will not remove the original flavor of serabi, because every flavor have their own individual fans.
One of the famous serabi vendor in Solo is “Serabi Notosuman” located in the area of Notosuman, at Moh. Yamin street. Many migrants are often bought to serve as a souvenir. In addition to selling in the area in Notosuman, along Slamet Riyadi street also encountered many serabi seller. Pancake Notosuman is more expensive than that in selling pancakes on the outskirts of Slamet Riyadi street.
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